REVIEW 9 – Mauritius quarantine hotels
11.01.21 Semaine 1: Je suis arrivé le 4 janvier 2021 Chambre = très propre, spacieuse, fonctionnelle et on appréciera le bain à l’extérieur surtout sous la chaleur actuelle. Personnel
= à l’écoute de nos besoins. Cependant le petit-déjeûner est servi très tôt et le réveil, avec le toc à la porte, peut être difficile.
= les plats sont très bons, et les exigences alimentaires sont bien prises en compte. Le seul hic, vu que les plats sont servis en chambre, ils arrivent que ceux-ci refroidissent rapidement.
Le petit conseil, pensez à – Apporter une multi-prise, au cas où comme moi, vous devez travailler sur place, et approtez un câble HDMI, si vous souhaitez voir vos séries, films, sur Netflix ou autre. Mais aussi pour une console de jeux – Apporter une enceinte portable, sympa pour un petit moment de détente en musique.
Aujourd’hui nous avons effectué le test PCR du J+7, qui s’est bien passé.Cette semaine est passée plutôt vite et rien n’a dire à l’équipe du Lagoon, car le staff reste flexible et essaie de répondre à nos besoins au maximum! Contributor Rubesh Plt
21.12.20 Hotel Lagoon Attitude Anse-La-Raie Mauritius. I had an amazing stay at the hotel during my quarantine period. The staff are very friendly and warm welcoming. Their professionalism is second to none. I left Mauritius over three decades ago and have noticed that the people have not lost their beautiful smiles and true patriotism. The food is well prepared and delicious: well done, chef. Big thanks to the receptionists Disha and Noshima who are soft-spoken voice and focus to the needs of the guests . Last but not least, to the delivery men, I do not all of their names I wish all the team a Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2021. All the best. Contributor Darmen Ramana
12.12.20 We spent our quarantine at Lagoon Attitude Hotel and want to use this space to applaud all staff. We had an amazing quarantine: well organized, the most delectable meals and friendly and efficient service from kind and caring staff members and managers.
We quarantined with our two small children and staff went out of their way to make it as easy as possible… they also regularly sent special treats and little hand made gifts to help entertain the kids. The service and kitchen staff even included extras like cornflakes to every breakfast, because they heard the kids like it.
PCR tests were painless and professionally handled. Rooms were comfortable with enough space and everything we needed. Personally, I also loved the fact that water was delivered daily in glass bottles and the bottles collected again to be reused. Meals were not delivered with any plastic either.
The 14 days flew by and we couldn’t be happier with our stay at Lagoon Attitude. Thank you to all the lovely people at the hotel for everything! Dorette de Swardt
12.11.20 LAGOON ATTITUDE After travelling for 40 hours, I was warmly welcomed by the staff of Lagoon Attitude. The hospitality was great and what a relaxing environment it was. The staff were super nice and understanding. I want to thank every one of you for making this quarantine, or should I say this brief vacation, amazing. Although I’m a complicated person, they handled everything with grace and patience. Sorry Chefs with all of my food restrictions and preferences: 1105 has been a pain, but I appreciate all the arrangements you made for me. I loved the delicious pastries! I couldn’t control myself from eating these goodies; I’m going to cry at the gym now. Still waiting for that chocolate cake’s recipe though. Noshimaaaa, thank you for making sure I’m okay with the food and going through the menu with me. I’m sure I gave you nightmares, but you did an outstanding job. Jessennn, Thank you for being considerate by helping me to open my coke! These fake nails, I tell you, c’est juste beau à voir. Akshayyyyy ji & Avinashhh ji, you guys have served me food all day, every day during the past 2 weeks. You always had a welcoming smile on your faces and were very friendly. You people were always at my service. It felt very pleasant and comfortable. My apology for seeing my sleepy head every day. I tried really hard to adapt to the Mauritian time, but it’s hard. Temperature guy, you’re my favourite human being over here. You’re super calm and extremely professional. But your 9 am knock was tough, eh. I told you 5 am. Thank you to everyone I didn’t mention; I don’t know everybody’s names, but it was lovely staying at Lagoon Attitude. Contributor Yashwinee Jusrut
07.11.20 Bonjour à tous Je suis actuellement à l’hôtel Lagoon Attitude et même si ce n’est pas des vacances idéales puisqu’il n’est pas possible malheureusement d’aller marcher sur la plage … je tiens à dire que le personnel de cet hôtel fait tout son possible pour rendre ce séjour doux et agréable. Tout d’abord, merci au personnel de chambre Akash et Veer qui veillent à ce qu’il ne me manque rien, à Jessen et Vivek pour la livraison de mes repas avec le sourire et au chef de cuisine Niven qui nous régale de ces petits plats succulents, sans oublier Sahaz le responsable du bon fonctionnement.
Je recommande vivement cet hôtel pour votre quatorzaine mais aussi pour l’environnement serein et paisible qu’il y règne. Les chambres sont confortables et fonctionnelles surtout si vous la chance comme moi d’être face à la mer (un grand merci à Rubens )Ce matin, j’avais même un petit compagnon pour mon petit déjeuner. Annie Roland
02.11.20 Hey guys, I’m spending my quarantine at Lagoon Attitude Hotel( Anse-La-Raie). This 4 star hotel is absolutely wonderful I’m delighted to be here. The service they are providing is genuine and no complaints at all. The staffs are down to earth; they take special care for all customers from day 1. I have 6 more days to go and I’m enjoying my stay with them couldn’t ask for more.
Amazing Beach Front view. The doctors are very friendly they take care of you as a family. I will definitely come back here to spend some quality time and enjoy all the activities they have here at the hotel. If someone is coming from abroad I would definitely suggest that they book Lagoon Attitude Hotel.
These guys here are doing a great job I couldn’t ask for more before coming to Mauritius I heard complaints about the food and other things but here I feel like I’m in heaven I would like to thank Kevin (EAM), Carine, Emillie, Veronic, Bhujun, Hemant, Mahendra, PKanan, Kushal, (Pooja et Mohammed Doctors) and other staff for the service they have provided so far. HATS OFF guys a wonderful job during this pandemic and stay safe. Contributor Kel Heera
31.10.20 Lagoon Attitude – 7-Day Review. It’s been a week since we’ve been in quarantine, and I thought I’d provide an insight into how things have been going so far during our quarantine at Lagoon Attitude Hotel. This is purely subjective and I appreciate different people might have had different experiences, so please share your own views if you’ve experienced anything different.
The Lagoon Attitude Team: First of all, many thanks to Kevin and his fantastically dynamic team who have been working around the clock to ensure they’re providing the best service they can during these unprecedented times. They have been doing a great job so far! The team is very friendly and approachable. Communication has been smooth and regular, with the members of the team, including Kevin himself, Carine and Veronique (reception), regularly catching up with us to ensure we are happy with everything. They’ve addressed most of the issues we’ve had so far right off the bat.
Food: The food is set out in the 14-day pre-set menu that the hotel sends to you prior to arrival. In all honesty, the food has mostly been really nice, well presented and tasty. Portions can be varied, but the quantity of food you get over the day is more than enough (personal preferences may vary). I’ve included some photos for reference. The biryani last night was excellent! – I might be biased since it’s been a while since I’ve had a proper biryani! The different fish and chicken dishes we’ve had over this week have been very nice as well – Kudos to the chef! To those who are trying to be super healthy, you’ll have to make special requests; something that the team will be easily able to arrange for you.
The room and amenities: No issues there. The room is spacious, the bed and pillows are comfortable. You get given spare bedding and towels to use during your stay. Water is refillable on request any time, any day (you get around 12 bottles when you check-in). Tea, coffee and sugar are also refillable at any time. You also get a kettle for hot water, a television (bring your own HDMI cable if you want to connect to your laptop or any multimedia device). There are USB charging points in addition to outlets to charge your devices (albeit limited, so you have to take off one or two lights and the kettle). You get an AC unit, which helps when it gets hot and slightly humid (although not unbearably so, we’ve just flown from the UK and acclimatising). The rest is as per the photos on the MTPA website. We were given a sea view room, which is just fantastic – the view is really nice and relaxing. It can be very windy at times, but I particularly enjoy it.
We had stuff dropped by family members over the week, and this was nice and easy (obviously no alcohol and no cooked food). Otherwise, nothing major to report here, but feel free to drop any Qs if you have any.
Working from the hotel: The main reason for booking the hotel was the internet connectivity, which was the best out of the hotels I was looking at booking (at a reasonable price point, obviously!). The connection is very good when it works. The first 4 days have been great, especially as I am connected over a UK VPN, holding video calls over WebEx, using relatively big online files (including Word, Excel etc) and using Outlook and so on. It won’t handle running complex models, which you must download on your desktop and re-upload, but that works well, anyway. Yesterday was a bit of a nightmare, with the connection dropping to almost nil and not being able to work at all. I had to cancel my calls and reschedule them but could do some light work using a local SIM and the unlimited data plan from MyT. The hotel’s internet connection has been patchy since yesterday and the hotel has been looking into it with the internet provider. So hopefully this is resolved by Monday. I’d definitely suggest getting the local sim card, as soon as you get here in case the connection drops. The SIM provides you with speeds of up to 30mbps (variable at different times of the day) but good enough to support basic functionality over VPN. If you only have non-video calls, emails and light internet browsing to do, a SIM card with MyT and a data plan will do the job. Emtel’s (a different provider) data plan is just really poor here – so don’t bother.
The hotel very kindly set up two small desks in our room (the room is spacious enough, so works out just fine) along with two chairs. If you request them before your stay, they will make the arrangements for you free. We also had two monitors dropped off at the hotel and they conveniently put this in our room for us to use. Kudos to the hotel reservation team and the team here again. The one thing I’d also recommend that you get is an extension cable, to make sure you’re able to plug in your laptop, monitor and all other devices at a time. It definitely helps.
PCR test this morning: The PCR test this morning was a breeze. Less than 5 seconds, sharp little pain up your nose and it’s done. In and out, slight discomfort afterwards, but much better than at the airport. The medical team is super friendly and makes sure you’re comfortable and ready before doing the test. Tilt your head backwards, don’t move and think of something else and you’re sorted.
Exercise and working out: The room and terrace area is suitable for bodyweight exercises, rope skipping and resistance work. I definitely recommend resistance bands and a skipping rope, which are both easy to just pack in your suitcase to get some exercise done. Or get family members to drop them at the hotel. We had a yoga mat delivered to us as well.
The dogs: The dogs are super friendly (probably because of the food) and playful. They’ve made our stay here a lot more homely (if you like dogs). We love them. I think I’ve covered most of the updates I wanted to share, but please drop me any questions you may have. Uttam Sobha
19.10.20 Voici un retour pour toutes les personnes qui s’ppretent à vivre cette quarantaine et l’appréhendent peut-être. Si cela était à refaire je choisirais sans hésiter de revenir au LAGOON ATTITUDE et souhaitais vous dire que c’est une parenthèse qui est beaucoup moins difficile que je ne le pensais en amont. Profitez-en pour faire des choses que vous n’avez jamais le temps de faire. Pour moi des albums photos sur mon ordinateur. Il m’a juste manqué une activité manuelle si c’etait à refaire ( coloriage, broderie, perles) mais ça n’engage que moi.
Confort des chambres: les chambres ont été refaites récemment je pense, la décoration est claire, moderne et confortable. On nous avait installé une petite table avec deux chaises à l’interieur pour les repas ou travailler. La petite terrasse à l’avant permettait aussi de prendre les repas sur des fauteuils et tables basses avec une belle vue dégagée (pour ce qui concerne notre chambre, la mer). Il y a des prises partout, dont une prise usb à côté du lit. La Wi Fi fonctionnait très bien. Pas de moustique peut-être grâce aux vent d’Est. La douche est très agréable, eau très chaude, toilettes séparés. Une télé assez grande avec pas mal de chaînes d’info internationales.
Qualité de la nourriture: le second point fort, une nourriture vraiment excellente, très variée, jamais le même menu pendant les 15 jours, menus toujours annoncés la veille. Servie sur des plateaux dans de la vaisselle. Ce n’etait pas de la nourriture de collectivités mais vraiment une bonne restauration mixée entre cuisine européenne et mauricienne. Mention spéciale aux pâtisseries souvent incroyables.
Cela n’a l’air de rien mais ce point est très important car les repas rythment ces journées répétitives et ils deviennent très importants au quotidien. Important aussi ils nous étaient servis à des horaires agréables: en gros 06h45, 11h45 et 19h00. Plus un goûter pour ceux qui en prenaient.
J’espère que cet avis sera utile à ceux qui appréhendent et sont en train de faire leur choix. Pensez à prendre des livres, des jeux de cartes, un tapis de sol si vous faites du sport, un abonnement NETFLIX, et je vous assure qu’ici le temps a passé plutôt vite. Et encore un immense MERCI d’avoir rendu cette expérience la plus agréable possible. Contributor Julie Vachet Dumont
19.10.20 I highly recommend this hotel to anyone who will do their quarantine in Mauritius in the coming weeks.
- Room: spotless, spacious, functional and pleasant to live in;
- Staff: super friendly, always attentive to our needs, patient and smiling. I would like to congratulate all the staff because it is appreciable to find the legendary kindness of the Mauritians through this team;
- Meals: everything was super good, yet my friends will attest that my culinary tastes are difficult to satisfy, and
- Cigarettes: they don’t sell any, so bring your stash, if you smoke.
In summary, the 14 days of quarantine have passed faster than I expected. This Facebook group allowed us to discuss our various experiences (depending on the hotel) and also to create links and solidarity through the various trials that everyone had to face before being able to return home. Last PCR test carried out this morning for the flight from La Reunion on October 5. I really thank the hotel team… Usually, we say that all good things end. There I am happy for my freedom and my home … even if, as I repeat, the quarantine was easier to live than what I had imagined thanks to the professionalism and the kindness of the Lagoon Attitude team. THANKS TO THE WHOLE TEAM.
Several people have asked me in private how the quarantine was going in this establishment, so these are my answers for future people in quarantine:
- We have to do our cleaning
- We are not allowed to leave the room (except on its balcony or terrace)
- PCR test on arrival at the airport, on D + 7 and D + 14 at the hotel
- Lagoon price: 50,000 for Mauritians and an extra medical fee of 13,500 for non-Mauritians: Total Rs63 500. Contributor Fred L








